The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) of the U.S. Department of Labor has launched its awareness campaign about the heat hazards that workers and employers in the outdoor industries face, a report by The Times and Democrat stated on June 1.
For four consecutive years, the OSHA has aimed to educate both the employers and the employees about the health risks brought about by a hot weather. The report revealed that heat-related diseases resulted in 31 fatalities and 4,120 illnesses in the workplace in 2012. Assistant Secretary of Labor for Occupational Health Dr. David Michaels said the lack of acclimatization, the body’s adaptation to heat, accounted for almost two-thirds of heat-related citations issued within the last three years.
There are far too many employers who fail to provide their workers with ample protection from workplace hazards, including outdoor heat. If you have suffered from an injury or illness acquired at work in Detroit, explore your options in filing for workers’ compensation benefits with the aid of a lawyer at Detroit Personal Injury Attorneys. Call us at (248) 948-9696 to learn more about pursuing financial compensation.