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Detroit Car Accident Attorneys

With millions of accidents occurring every year, car accidents are unfortunately very common in the United States. In 2020, approximately 43% of car crashes resulted in at least one injured driver or passenger, with 2.28 million injuries reported

While some of these accidents result in nothing more than minor scratches and dents to the involved vehicles, the reality is that many car accidents occur with devastating consequences for victims, leaving them to struggle with property damage, long-term pain and suffering, and unmanageable bills.

Although some car accidents are the result of unavoidable or unpredictable circumstances, they are more often caused by the carelessness or recklessness of other drivers on the road. If you have been the victim of a car accident in Detroit because of another person’s negligence or irresponsible behavior, the attorneys of Ravid & Associates, P.C., understand just how difficult it can be to recover. We know just how devastating the effects of a car accident can be for all those involved. We are committed to helping you as you pursue compensation and justice from the responsible party.

If you have been seriously hurt in a crash in Detroit, or if you unfortunately lost a loved one in an accident, you do not have to suffer alone. You shouldn’t have to deal with the consequences of this collision, and you may be owed financial compensation for your injury and losses. An experienced personal injury attorney at Ravid & Associates, P.C. will investigate the cause of the accident and will take action on behalf of you and your family.

The skilled Detroit car accident attorneys of Ravid & Associates, P.C. have represented more than 10,000 Michigan families, and we can help you too. Our personal injury lawyers have more than 180 years of combined experience assisting individuals in Detroit and throughout Michigan to pursue the compensation they need after being injured because of another party’s negligence. We will fight to protect the rights of people who have been seriously hurt in car accidents in Detroit. Don’t wait until it is too late for you to file your claim for compensation. We work for you!

Why Do I Need A Car Accident Attorney?

As an injured victim in Detroit, you should not have to pay for medical expenses or suffer the loss of wages as a result of someone else’s reckless behavior behind the wheel. People who hire an experienced car accident attorney often secure far more (sometimes three times the amount) than people who do not hire an attorney.

Especially if you are in the process of healing from an injury or caring for a loved one injured in a collision, the legal process can be challenging. Entrusting your legal situation to a skilled attorney can give you the time that you need to focus on your recovery while also pursuing the compensation that you need to cope with your injuries.

Dedicated personal injury lawyers tend to limit their legal practice to the representation of accident victims. If an injury victim hires a lawyer who is not a trial lawyer, or who is not interested in or qualified to handle a lawsuit, the victim may not get their desired results. That’s why you should call an experienced car accident attorney from Ravid & Associates, P.C. to help you today.

Why Choose At Ravid & Associates, P.C.?

At Ravid & Associates, P.C. we have ­­­­­­­­­more than 180 years of combined experience helping your friends and neighbors in Detroit and surrounding areas. We have assisted thousands of people in Detroit and surrounding areas, and we genuinely want to help individuals and families get the financial compensation that they so desperately need after an accident.

We have spent our professional careers forcing insurance companies to honor the promises of their coverage. We have a track record of over $350 million in verdicts and settlements for our clients. We know how to deal with insurance companies, and our trial lawyers will protect your rights. Insurance companies may not look out for your best interests. We will work for you to get the real results that you deserve.

Cases We Handle

At Ravid & Associates, P.C. we have the right combination of experience and passion for our clients to properly handle your car accident claim. We have the resources you need on your side to take on large insurance companies and major companies that may be at fault for your accident.

Specific Detroit Area Car Accident Cases We Specialize In

We have represented over 10,000 families in Michigan, and through that experience, we have identified some of the common car accident injuries we have gotten substantial settlements for. We work with injury victims in and around Detroit that have all sorts of injuries from car accidents, including but not limited to the below:

Specific Car Accident Injuries We Handle

At Ravid & Associates, P.C. we want to help you in your pursuit of justice. If you have been injured in a car accident caused by any of the above, you may be able to secure compensation for your losses from the responsible party so that you can move forward with your life. Call our Detroit car accident lawyers at (248) 948-9696 today for a case consultation.

What to Do After A Collision

If you have been involved in a car accident, the moments immediately following a collision can certainly be stressful. Despite the immediate stress that you may feel, it is important to know which steps to take in order to best protect yourself. When your injuries have been caused by the carelessness of another person, the following information will help you in the moments and weeks following a collision:

  • Seek Medical Attention – You should seek medical treatment as soon as possible. The sooner that you are evaluated and treated for injuries, the better your chances for a full and expedient recovery are. Additionally, even if your injuries are not readily apparent, you should still have a doctor evaluate your condition. Common injuries stemming from collisions like concussions and other head injuries can have delayed symptoms. In addition to verifying your physical well-being, seeking medical treatment is important if you are later planning on filing an injury claim. If you do not seek medical treatment and later file an injury claim, insurers may question the cause and severity of your injuries.
  • Report All Known Injuries – When first responders or doctors are evaluating your condition, be transparent about your condition. It is important that the information that you give to medical professionals is honest and thoroughly reflects the symptoms that you are experiencing. No matter how minor or unrelated what you are feeling may seem (headaches, dizziness, blurred vision), it is important that your symptoms in their entirety are communicated and recorded.
  • Photograph Injuries and Property Damage – If you are able, take pictures of your vehicle and the scene of the collision following the accident. It is best to capture images from various angles to provide multiple perspectives. Additionally, it can be helpful to track progress of your physical condition and injuries by taking pictures. Though not all injuries can be seen externally, if you have sustained an apparent injury, take photos of it immediately after the collision and as you heal.
  • Notify Your Insurance Company – As soon as you are able, report the accident to your insurance company. Many insurers have user-friendly applications or online interfaces to make reporting as accessible as possible. Michigan is a no-fault insurance state, which means no matter who caused the accident, no-fault insurance covers your accident-related expenses.
  • Reach Out to a Skilled Attorney – When you are injured in an accident, it is important that you receive the benefits that you need to heal, deal with medical expenses, cope with lost wages, and repair damaged property. Michigan’s insurance system is somewhat unique, so in order to make sure that you are taken care of, it is almost always in your best interest to reach out to a lawyer who understands the intricacies of the law.
  • Request a Police Report – To obtain a police report, contact the police department with jurisdiction over the area that the accident occurred. A police report is a third-party record of the collision. Often police reports include time, date, location, damage assessments, and witness accounts. This report is a valuable asset to your claim.
  • Keep Thorough Records – One of the most advantageous things that you can do following a car accident is to keep meticulous records. Keeping your medical bills, insurance statements, and other paperwork organized will be extremely helpful to you and your attorney if you file an injury claim. Additionally, keeping a dated diary of your injuries, the healing process and any related symptoms that develop is a compelling way to communicate how your injuries have impacted your everyday life.

If you feel overwhelmed by these steps, contact Ravid & Associates, P.C. right away. We can guide you through the legal process to ensure everything goes smoothly.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is it important to file an injury claim?

If you are hurt in a crash, you may face an uphill battle before you can return to work. Serious injuries may keep you sidelined for a significant amount of time, or worse, may permanently prohibit you from returning to work to support yourself and your family. Many individuals find that hospital bills pile up quickly after an accident, leaving them wondering how they are going to possibly pay the costs of the accident. You do not have to shoulder this immense burden on your own. In fact, the party responsible for the accident may be responsible for compensating you for all these costs, and possibly more.

What if my injuries keep me from working?

Car accident attorneys take lost wages into account when filing suits against insurance companies. It is essential to keep records of specific dates you missed work, the amount of money you lost, and even any money you paid for public transportation to get to work (if your injuries allowed it but your vehicle was too damaged).

Why should I ask for a copy of the police report?

The police report is an official document that includes many of the most important details following a crash. The officer may list details and evidence found at the scene, witness descriptions, and their contact information, and will note any citations that may have been given to parties the officer felt were responsible for the accident. This document goes a long way toward providing evidence for your claim.

How expensive is a lawyer?

The attorneys at Ravid & Associates, P.C. work on a contingency basis. This means that until we are able to secure a positive outcome for you and recover the compensation that you are owed, you do not owe us a dime. We will only take a fraction of your final settlement, and in the event we are unable to recover any money for you, we will never ask for payment. We know how financially straining injuries, medical bills, and time spent away from work can be on accident victims.

This is why we are committed to making sure our legal services are affordable. Additionally, we offer free consultations, so if you are unsure if you have a case, we are happy to discuss your options with you. If you’ve been injured, you deserve the assistance of a skilled injury lawyer, and with Ravid & Associates, P.C. you can afford it.

Car Accident Statistics

Information gathered using the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS), reveals that 34,247 fatal collisions occurred in the United States in 2017. These fatal incidents in their entirety cost 37,133 people their lives. The roadway fatalities in 2017 is a modest decrease compared to 2016 wherein 37,806 people were killed on U.S. roads.

Between distracted driving, impaired driving, and inclement weather, drivers in Michigan are susceptible to being involved in serious accidents, which is why the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) and the Michigan State Police (MSP) are following and promoting the Toward Zero Deaths (TZD) safety campaign. This campaign is a plan to curb the number of traffic fatalities, not only in Michigan but across the United States. The focus of the TZD campaign is to change driver behavior.

According to information gathered by TZD, driver behavior is a significant contributing factor in nearly 90 percent of fatal collisions. The program is laser-focused on eliminating roadway fatalities because even one death is too many. In order to accomplish this goal, the cultural focus will need to shift significantly. For this reason, public education and awareness are central to the TZD mission.

Contact Our Detroit Car Accident Lawyers

At Ravid & Associates, P.C. we’ve been helping car accident victims just like you, and we can give you the personal attention that you need. Complete our email form or call us today at  (248) 948-9696 and learn more about what our experienced team can do to help you through this difficult time. We are ready to fight for you and your family, and we will seek to maximize the amount of compensation for you so that you can recover from the accident and move on with your life.

Over $350 Million in Verdicts and Settlements for our Clients