What is wrongful death?
When someone dies due to the negligence or fault of another party, their death is typically considered a wrongful death. A wrongful death lawsuit usually seeks compensation for lost wages of the deceased, funeral expenses, and survivors’ losses from the person responsible for the death, and can be filed by family members of the deceased person. The people who are typically eligible to file a wrongful death claim are immediate family members, spouses, and financial dependents of the deceased. Common cases of wrongful death involve car accidents, defective products, workplace injuries, and medical malpractice.
The tragedy of losing a loved one because of wrongful death can be emotionally and financially difficult for survivors, but you have legal options. To learn more about wrongful death and if you are eligible to file a wrongful death lawsuit in Detroit, contact a lawyer from Detroit Personal Injury Attorneys by calling (248) 948-9696 today.